
SystemsFirst offers training in all areas of business from customer services, to team building, coaching and sales.

Courses Available

Developing High Performance Teams

In “Developing High Performance Teams” you will develop key skills related to building a high performance team. This includes setting team norms, facilitating group problem solving, managing conflict, and developing team plans. Using the “Group Development Model” you will identify the specific needs of your team and make plans to take action.

Communication Fundamentals

This course will help you develop your ability to build rapport and to listen actively to others. You will expand your skill in using listening to build relationships, increase your influence and empower employees. You will focus on developing assertiveness skills that will help you take action on difficult issues with respect, flexibility and openness. You will consider your personal assumptions and judgments about others, about yourself and about your personal power and influence.

Operational Policies

This course provides a systematic way of developing operating policies and procedures which support the intent of governance polices and how programs/services are designed, consistent with the requirements of relevant legislation and/or client requirements. It will provide you with practical processes, tools and techniques to help develop policies and procedures that are client-focused, ensure accountability, facilitate coordination within the company and with partners and are focused on achieving results. You will be provided with a range of Operating Policy & Procedures development techniques and processes that can be adapted your specific needs.

Building Personal Power and Influence

Some people seem to have an edge on success. They know what they want and hope to get it. In "Building Personal Power and Influence" you will learn the mental and physical behaviours of truly successful people. Using a personal assessment of your influence strategies your will learn how to increase your power and influence with others and achieve your personal goals or the business results required of you.

"On Time, On Budget: Delivering Project Results"

Effective project management enables exceptional project results. In "On Time, On Budget: Delivering Project Results" you will learn how to apply project management best practices. You will learn how to develop a project charter, monitor and measure project work and results, recognize and deal with the organizational dynamics surrounding projects, and build commitment for project results.

Masterful Meetings

A meeting is a public forum for your leadership effectiveness. In "Masterful Meetings you will learn how to: 1. Develop and use an agenda to lead discussion of the meeting's key objectives. 2. Recognize the politics and dynamics of meetings with subordinates, peers or superiors 3. Manage a variety of challenging meeting behaviours and 4. Encourage participation and develop ownership of meeting decisions.

Building Creativity

Many people think that creativity is an inherent skill and you either have it or you don’t. This is a myth. Creativity and innovative thinking are skills to be learned. In this workshop, you will practice a variety of creative thinking strategies. You will learn techniques and practice thinking skills that increase your creativity and the quality of your thinking.

Dealing with Interpersonal Conflict

In this valuable workshop you will develop strategies to help you manage challenging employees, co-workers, or clients with confidence. If difficult work relationships are causing you stress and disrupting your productivity, learn constructive strategies that solve rather than escalate problems.

  • Recognize those with whom you will most likely clash
  • Identify what makes people behave badly
  • Recognize the classic profiles of difficult people
  • Employ specific strategies to deal with different types of behaviours in the moment
  • Learn effective prevention strategies
  • Confidently get back to business and stop losing time

    We invite you to contact us today to discuss how our expertise can be put to work for you.