Strategy Development

Strategy development involves the identification of opportunities and threats that lie in the future of an organization, which combined with other pertinent information provides a basis for making better decisions, exploiting the opportunities and evading the threats. Usually strategy development is accompanied by a corresponding business plan, which outlines the responsibilities, timelines, resource requirements and organizational or operational changes needed in order to deliver on the strategic initiatives or strategic plan.

SystemsFirst works collaboratively with clients throughout the strategy development and business planning process. We use a systematic approach that can be tailored to fit the unique situation of our clients. The process starts with a detailed review of relevant background materials, which may include interviews, focus groups and concludes with the development of operational business plans.


SystemsFirst offers facilitation services that can be tailored to suit the specific needs of our clients. We work with our clients to establish what is required and discuss the various phases of the facilitation process: planning, approach, documenting and interpreting outcomes, and developing an action plan to achieve their end goal.

Policy Development

SystemsFirst has extensive experience in the development of administrative policies and procedures for small and medium sized private and not-for-profit organizations. Our approach focuses on building consensus amongst the various stakeholders, particularly the end users most directly affected by the policies. We are experienced in project management and are familiar with which approach works best in the private and not-for profit context. We have worked with steering committees, management teams and boards who represent varied interests and are aware of the need to build consensus and communicate regularly with the key stakeholders throughout the process.

Corporate Governance

SystemsFirst works with organizations in the not-for-profit sector to help them develop strategic and business plans, sound governance policies and administrative practices. We assist boards with understanding their roles and responsibilities as well as other critical elements related to creating and maintaining a successful board and organization. We work with the board and administration to establish effective board policies and processes, such as risk management and ethics.

Project Management

SystemsFirst offers project management services that help organizations prepare for, initiate, manage and delivery on business projects. We can assist clients with initiating new projects which involves developing the framework before starting the project or we can help with projects that are already underway.
We work with clients at all stages of the project from selection to execution. We focus on all aspects of the project life cycle and ensure all stages are successful. Some examples of projects we have worked on include technology implementation and upgrades, capital investment projects and outsourcing initiatives.

We invite you to contact us today to discuss how our expertise can be put to work for you.